Sunday, February 22, 2009

What are the details of your life?

Sundays are my me and family days. It also means I get to indulge and catch up on the blogs of some of my amazing friends. This time, it's a major shout out to Matt Corker, who really hit the nail on the head with this post.

"Details are there for a reason. Each person in your life is also there for a reason. Determining their larger role in your life takes patience and trust that there is a bigger picture and a larger purpose. It's masterpieces like you that are made of amazing details."

Because when it comes down to it, we're all parts of each other interacting together. One day will be a perfect day, the next day might be a little hard. But we are all here for a reason, and we are all here for someone else's reason. Not only do they play a great role in your life, but you also play that role in theirs, and if nothing is really going your way one day? It's ok, because the bigger picture is, and always will be, still there. Just reach out and hang tight onto it together.

Elizabeth Gilbert (yes, the amazingly lady who had me at the first few pages of Eat, Pray, Love) reminds us that we are all geniuses, But. Yes, it's a capital B but. But, we are only who we are and it is ok. Sometimes just showing up and doing what you gotta do is perfectly ok. Because the gods will send luck and genius over to you a lil' later. Check out her talk at TED here.

And for those amazingly wonderful days? ENJOY THEM! Cause they are awesome. Share them with those who are the bigger picture and you might just make their day a little brighter as well.

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