Monday, November 17, 2008

A call for action.

What are you doing on a daily basis that goes beyond your responsibilities and enters a whole new world, a world of giving? It doesn't take much knowing about something to get it going, as this post proves. Nor does it take anything big, as this post says. But the little things will add up. Work with people, and you will see how inspired they get by it. People can apparently be the most addicting thing we know, so why not get hooked on them?

Get hooked on helping them, get hooked on working with them, get hooked on the idea of where it all might go, get hooked on making something happen.

I challenge you. Do one thing. That's it. Just one thing. And tell someone about it. See how easily it spreads and seeing how addicting it will be. Watch the domino effect happen and just imagine what it might create...

Change has already happened.

No matter what your vote was, this is impressive. Weekly address given via youtube? A step beyond brilliant.

Why limit your audience, when you can use a medium that is virtually open to anyone who wants to listen? If you can access every internet user and still deliver the same message, why wouldn't you?

Show that you care whether or not your message reaches the masses. In return, the masses might appreciate you a little more for caring. Don't be above the common mass, or you will have far to fall.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The power of unconditional love is just that... powerful. It takes a lot to say that you will honor, respect, and appreciate someone for who they are, but not "despite" any traits they may have, but rather, just for being.

We often take for granted that our family and close friends are there for us not because they have to be, but because they want to be. After talking with one of my girlfriends today I thought some more about what it means to really be able to be part of someones life and have them cheering you on at the sidelines all the time. It's unbelievable how for a simple word of kindness or a smile can go. So, why chose not to make someones day, when you so easily can?

Choose compassion.

On the note of compassion, this initiative is fantastic. Beyond inspiring- I'm excited to see where it goes.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Is effort a myth?

I've read this particular post by Seth Godin a few times now, and each time I debate. I debate whether those 120 minutes I will cut out will increase or decrease my happiness. I debate whether creating theses plans goes against "living in the moment".

Over the past 3 months of exchange, I hadn't thought about life back in Vancouver. I was happy in my little Spanish bubble. It had certain repercussions that I'm not too happy about, but overall, I felt it was what I needed, and it sure felt damn good. But then I had a major blast from the past- I went on a trip to Ireland and London, and within 2 days saw 3 very close people to me. When I came back to Barcelona, I called up another friend, with whom I hadn't spoken over the phone yet. And now, we have a friend visiting us for a few days. All in all, life from outside the bubble has been hitting me pretty hard in the face, and it's time to realize that I can't pretend it's not there anymore.

Every time I ask myself what I want, I always say that I will just put my back into it and push myself for 2 years to get my CA. And every time, I question it. With the economy being crap now, it seems smart. And, for fucks sake, is that so wrong? Yes, I can work somewhere else. Will it be more exciting? Possibly. Will it be more hands-on? Probably. Will less people criticize it? Undoubtedly. Will I think it's a better decision? Who knows. Maybe in the short run. In the long-run, there is probably no difference. Either way, I have to be a rockstar at whatever I do, because it's not the job description that determines the outcome, but it's the person doing the job. Do I want to be a rockstar accountant? Common now, I even scoffed at that. It's not me. BUT I do want to be a rockstar businesswoman.

So what is so bad about going from the bottom up and pushing every step of the way?

Am I being chicken-shit? Maybe. But to prove to myself I'm not, I will take up any idea that I have, alongside doing what I'm doing now. Maybe it will mean less sleep. Maybe it will mean different work arrangements. Maybe in a year I will give up. BUT I will not back down because it seems like I should. If something amazing comes up, I will go for it. In the mean time, time to work hard and learn more than ever, and then some.

And why the need to post this here? Well, there's a lot to be said about external commitment, and I sure know it goes a long way for me. So this is my commitment. And please oh please, keep me to it!

In the mean time, this blog will be a testament of all things related. Inspired by this lovely lady (whom I HIGHLY recommend you follow), I want to share my thoughts, because I truly believe there is never enough opinions and experiences to learn from.

And why just being? Well, that's a longer story to come...