Friday, January 23, 2009

How can you change the world?

I can't believe the amazing timing of this article. Seriously look through it and check out the similarities. I know the world is trying to tell us something... Please listen!! Thursday night's event for YWiB was absolutely spectacular, and I will soon be posting more about it. In the mean time, check out this amazing piece from Muhammad Yunus...

An excerpt:

“How can I contribute?” my answer is this: Start by designing a business plan for a social business. Decide which social problem you’d most like to tackle. Figure out what resources you can use to address it. Develop a plan for applying these resources efficiently and effectively. Then try turning that plan into reality. The social business you create based on your plan may be small, but if it works, it could end up being replicated in thousands of locations—and so end up changing the world.

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